Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Author and Finisher

Hebrews 12:2 reads "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." We have been challenged to read all of the "Jesus Christ" references in the topical guide in the King James Version of the Bible. I was reading the other day and came across this scripture. The first line really caught my attention, 'author and finisher of our faith'.
Christ is the author of our faith in the sense that faith starts with him. It's hard to have faith in anything else in this world if we don't have faith in a sure foundation, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Once we have acquired faith in Jesus Christ we don't stop there. It is a life long journey of adversity, tears, love, and most of all, true happiness. If our faith and life is centered around Jesus Christ, he will come to us.
Christ is also the finisher of faith. If we hold out faithful to the end, we will be granted the gift of eternal life. We will be with Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ for all eternity. Faith is not a one time declaration and that's it. It is a process. Faith is an action. We show our faith in Christ by living his teachings and following the commandments.
I know that by living and studying the Gospel the best we can our testimonies will grow stronger. We will become true disciples of Christ in all aspects of life. We will no longer dwell upon worldly success and recognition, but we will have our sights on a much higher goal.

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